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The Table provides a flexible and efficient way to manage large amounts of data in a table format. Each table item is represented as a separate global state item, allowing for scalable storage solutions.

Core Features of Table


The Table struct is designed to handle large-scale storage with efficiency:

  • handle: An address that uniquely identifies the table.


The following constants define various error codes used within the module (these are implied but not explicitly stated in the provided code):

  • ENOT_FOUND: Key not found in the table.
  • EALREADY_EXIST: Key already exists in the table.
  • EINVALID_ARGUMENT: Invalid argument passed to a function.

API Overview

Creating Tables

  • new<K: copy + drop, V: store>(): Table<K, V>: Creates a new table.

Managing Entries

  • add<K: copy + drop, V>(table: &mut Table<K, V>, key: K, val: V): Adds a key-value pair to the table. Aborts if the key already exists.
  • remove<K: copy + drop, V>(table: &mut Table<K, V>, key: K): V: Removes and returns the value associated with a key. Aborts if the key is not found.
  • upsert<K: copy + drop, V: drop>(table: &mut Table<K, V>, key: K, value: V): Inserts or updates a key-value pair.

Retrieving Entries

  • borrow<K: copy + drop, V>(table: &Table<K, V>, key: K): &V: Returns an immutable reference to the value associated with a key. Aborts if the key is not found.
  • borrow_with_default<K: copy + drop, V>(table: &Table<K, V>, key: K, default: &V): &V: Returns the value associated with a key or a default value if the key is not found.
  • borrow_mut<K: copy + drop, V>(table: &mut Table<K, V>, key: K): &mut V: Returns a mutable reference to the value associated with a key. Aborts if the key is not found.
  • borrow_mut_with_default<K: copy + drop, V: drop>(table: &mut Table<K, V>, key: K, default: V): &mut V: Inserts a key-value pair if the key is not found, then returns a mutable reference to the value.

Utility Functions

  • contains<K: copy + drop, V>(table: &Table<K, V>, key: K): bool: Checks if the table contains a key.

Example Usage

Creating and Using a Table

module 0x42::table_usage {
    use aptos_std::table;
    public entry fun main() {
        let table = table::new<u64, u64>();
        table::add(&mut table, 1, 100);
        table::add(&mut table, 2, 200);
        let value1 = table::borrow(&table, 1);
        assert!(*value1 == 100, 0);
        let value2 = table::borrow(&table, 2);
        assert!(*value2 == 200, 0);
        let removed_value = table::remove(&mut table, 1);
        assert!(removed_value == 100, 0);
        let contains_key = table::contains(&table, 2);
        assert!(contains_key, 0);
        // Note: A table must be stored in a resource at the end of a function

Adding and Upserting Multiple Entries

module 0x42::table_usage {
    use aptos_std::table;
    public fun add_and_upsert_entries() {
        let table = table::new<u64, u64>();
        table::add(&mut table, 1, 100);
        table::upsert(&mut table, 1, 200);
        table::upsert(&mut table, 2, 300);
        let value1 = table::borrow(&table, 1);
        assert!(*value1 == 200, 0);
        let value2 = table::borrow(&table, 2);
        assert!(*value2 == 300, 0);
        // Note: A table must be stored in a resource at the end of a function

Borrowing Mutable References

module 0x42::table_usage {
    use aptos_std::table;
    public fun borrow_mutable_references() {
        let table = table::new<u64, u64>();
        table::add(&mut table, 1, 100);
        let value_mut = table::borrow_mut(&mut table, 1);
        *value_mut = 200;
        let value = table::borrow(&table, 1);
        assert!(*value == 200, 0);
        // Note: A table must be stored in a resource at the end of a function

Source Code

Other Examples